Adding extra parts to our songs can bring them to life, and give that element of depth and width that we’re used to hearing in our favourite songs.

Free Songwriting Guide -
Songwriting in the box episode -

 In this episode I chat about how and where we should be adding these parts. It’s all about writing a musical story, so that without focusing on the lyrics, our audience can still follow and connect with the journey of our song. The main objective here is to add appropriate tension, and release. It’s building anticipation, and then satisfaction, so that we can pull our audience in and deliver that connection.

I create weekly podcast’s just like this one, about doing music for a living as an independent artist,  you can find those on YouTube, and your favourite podcast app.

From Musician To Artist

For enquires about how we could work together on your music head to my website or email me at [email protected]

The podcast episodes are filmed and recorded in my studio, the Dotted Eight Studio. I am passionate about helping artists achieve their goals, and I would love to help you achieve yours.