The state of mental well being amongst children, teens, young adults has become a topic of paramount significance in recent years; not that mental health wasn't an issue in the past- it's just that there's more of acceptance to bringing it out in the open more recently.
My guest Vanessa Elias is a certified parent coach, a mental health activist, and a writer focused on helping parents realize the power they have to foster healthy family relationships. She and I sat down to unpack some of the aspects impacting the youth of today and how a sustainable future is dependent on mental well-being in our society.

Some highlights from this powerful conversation:
- Why mental health is a real world issue
- Ramifications from the pandemic
- Need for us to show up for our children and ways to accomplish this best
- Reasons for body image issues, eating disorders, avenues to seek help
- Importance of seeking professional help
- Helicopter parenting versus free range parenting
- Need to let go of kids and not monitor
- How culture impacts parenting and how to "raise adults"
- Screen use, impact and setting boundaries
- Sustainable future and mental well-being
- Tangible takeaways, action items

A conversation that emphasizes on how kids need scaffolding and not a 360 monitoring ; redefining what it means to be a good parent, and establishing meaningful connection versus superficial connection- with such riveting insights, I could find joy and more hope for the future. I hope every listener does and can spread this further!

Vanessa Elias's social media handle is @thrivewithaguide and her website is

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