Camryn Bryant is the Founder and CEO of House of Beverly. She is a teenage success story in the digital media space.
In this conversation, Camryn and Vai chat about how her creativity and ideas evolved over the years, right from her elementary school days. Her journey in middle and high school; how her being a Creative Director for feature films helped her transition into forming her own company.
Camryn started her company in 2018 as a multimedia production company and has subsequently started her own magazine and podcast.
In this fun and insightful conversation, we talk about the challenges she faced, especially being a person of color, and how she took advantage of her opportunities and made it big!

A not to miss episode to get to know how one can chalk their own path, and turn obstacles into positive avenues and achieve growth. Every teenager, every girl who dreams big, can map out her journey just like Camryn did. We talk about how she would proceed with every idea that she had and pursued it to perfection.
Everyone needs a mentor and inspiration; Camryn is no exception and explains how several people have inspired her to become what she is today.
Success needs work and this episode is a great example of a wonderful teen story in Digital Media, turning a pandemic driven world situation into something productive for herself and the audience benefiting from her work!

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Fresh leaf forever podcast is brought to you by host Vai Kumar's company, Listen Ponder Change LLC.

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