Mitch Savoie Hill is the founder and owner of SavHill Consulting and is an expert coach and mentor.

She is a renowned public speaker, Tedx speaker, book author, does organizational workshops and is the guest this week on the podcast.

Mitch and I discuss the following aspects to turn adversity situations into one of opportunity and overcome roadblocks in anyone’s life. This may be personal life situations, career, student life, professional situations, business aspects or anything one might perceive to be a challenge worth looking at.

❇️ Need for society to recognize people for their skills

❇️ Creating one’s own identity; women establishing themselves in a boxed mentality society

❇️ Challenges faced by people of color in situations

❇️ Achieving transformation amidst roadblocks and Mitch’s formula “VOLAR” the acronym

❇️ Does opportunity knock or how do we go after ?

❇️ Need to trust resources/mentors and other digital resources

❇️ Being stronger together

❇️ Actualizing plans and recalibrating as needed

❇️ Confidence and the role it plays in one’s success

❇️ Students and impact on their journey

❇️ Mitch’s book and how it can benefit anyone

She’s also a musically talented person and is very vibrant to engage with. Tune in and enjoy this conversation ! Mitch's website is

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