Meet Shobha Swamy, a returning guest on the show. Shobha talks about how one can heal themselves while on a plant based diet.
Many individuals, she highlights here,  with chronic illnesses like heart conditions, diabetes, auto immune conditions and several others have tremendous results changing to a plant based lifestyle. Shobha shares some success stories of her patients who have encountered such transformation in their lives and how they healed their body giving emphasis to eating a diet rich in whole foods, plant based life style.
She's a huge advocate of cooking without oil and explains the detrimental role of fat and gives her suggestions for adopting a no-oil based diet.
Her website is  and she may be reached via the Contact form there.
Shobha suggests users to check out the following resources as they may be helpful:
Books "The China Study" by T.Colin Campbell and Thomas M.Campbell II, "Starch Solutions" by Dr.James McDougall, " Dr.Neal Barnar'd Program for reversing diabetes" and Dr.Esselstyn Jr. on "Prevent and reverse heart disease".
This episode is information only and is not to be construed as medical advice nor is it a substitute for in person or individual medical advice. Please consult your physician and dietitian for case to case basis and needs.

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