Courageous Living. 

Empowering People Changing Lives

YES!!! Sounds great, doesn't it!!!

The first bold step in any new direction takes COURAGE. It takes courage to live an uncompromising life of dreams come true! It takes courage to let go of the past and create a new future. It takes courage to trust and be vulnerable to get what you want. It takes courage to step out of the familiar and into the unknown and it takes courage to set a goal and achieve it.

Here is my personal mantra, for taking action on anything that is hard and that takes courage.

" I am willing to get uncomfortable to see what I am capable of." ~ Sonya

Click here, and take one of the assessments to see which areas of your life you need your courage to soar!

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Sonya JanisseNLP, HWL, PTS Weight Loss Life Coach ~ Release the weight of stress, debt, & unwanted pounds. Author, Podcaster, Certified Coach

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