The Truth About Confidence: 5 Myths Exposed

Confidence is often misunderstood, and host Tonya Leigh debunks five prevalent myths surrounding it in this episode. I encourage listeners to build a confident relationship with themselves and to understand that doubt is a natural part of the journey. Confidence in your abilities will grow over time through repeated actions and experiences.

Tonya dives into the topic of confidence, debunking five common myths surrounding it. She shares personal stories about her journey to self-assurance and highlights that while confidence is desirable, it is not mandatory for living an incredible life. Tanya encourages listeners to pursue their dreams even in the face of self-doubt, emphasizing that confidence can be cultivated through thoughts and actions. Tune in to challenge your beliefs about confidence and discover the power of embracing the unknown in your journey towards self-assurance.

Talking Points:

00:40 - What is Confidence?
01:02 - Confidence is Overrated
01:13 - Action Before Confidence
01:58 - Myth 1: Confidence is Needed for Amazing Things
03:16 - Self-Assurance Over Confidence
04:08 - Personal Story: First Mastermind Retreat
05:54 - Building Confidence Through Repetition
07:01 - Myth 2: Confidence Comes from External Validation
09:02 - Building Self-Trust
10:32 - Myth 3: Confidence Requires Being the Smartest and Loudest
11:57 - True Confidence is Comfort with Oneself
12:29 - Myth 4: Confidence Equals Arrogance
13:56 - Confidence Has Nothing to Prove
15:02 - Myth 5: Confident People Never Doubt Themselves
16:36 - Doubt as a Companion to Confidence


"And honestly, I sort of think confidence is overrated, even though I want you all to feel it."

"There is a big difference. And a lot of you are trying to have confidence in something that you've never done before. And it is practically impossible."

"It becomes this thing that needs to be fed from the outside world."

"Confidence has nothing to prove."

 "Doubt is not a reason to stop. It's a reason to keep going."

"Confidence comes from just believing and trusting in yourself."


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