Creating Intentional Self-Image Events for Personal Growth

Self-image events play a crucial role in shaping our identities, as discussed in the podcast episode. These events can be intentional or unexpected, and reflecting on both types from our past is essential for personal growth and self-awareness.

Intentional self-image events are experiences or activities that we consciously choose with the purpose of changing our self-image and identity. By setting extraordinary goals and immersing ourselves in new environments, we challenge our existing beliefs, push beyond personal boundaries, and facilitate the development of new skills and perspectives. These intentional events are designed to push us out of our comfort zones and help us evolve into a new way of being in the world.  Embracing intentional self-image events can be a catalyst for personal development and lead to a more empowered and fulfilling life.

Join in to explore how moments, both intentional and unexpected, shape our identities and help us evolve personally.

Talking Points:

02:58 - Understanding Self-Image Events

04:03 - Childhood and Self-Image Formation

06:09 - Conflicting Identities: Pageants and Church

07:03 - Overcoming Negative Self-Image from Bullying

08:05 - Gaining Power Through Understanding Self-Image

10:02 - Adult Unexpected Self-Image Event

12:10 - Cognitive Dissonance and Self-Imag

14:08 - Adapting Self-Image to New Realities 

17:13 - Negative Self-Image Events and Recover

19:00 - Compassion in the Face of Self-Image Challenges

20:05 - Creating Intentional Self-Image Events

27:45 - Intentional Self-Image Events for Future Growth


"Life is about all of it. And I've just come to the understanding that embracing that is the secret to true fulfillment."

"I always felt like I was sinning and I was going to go straight to hell."

"The scared little girl in me trying to protect herself from the world. But as the adult me, I've got me."

"This is too good to be true. This surely isn't going to work out. This isn't as good as it seems to be."

"There's going to be so much cognitive dissonance between your beliefs about yourself and your actions."

"When I started to look for the commonalities, it lessened the cognitive dissonance, which allowed me to entertain saying yes to this opportunity that would shape my self-image in a whole different way."

Useful Resources:

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Connect with Self-Image Coach, Tonya Leigh:









Creating Intentional Self-Image Events for Personal Growth

Self-image events play a crucial role in shaping our identities, as discussed in the podcast episode. These events can be intentional or unexpected, and reflecting on both types from our past is essential for personal growth and self-awareness.

Intentional self-image events are experiences or activities that we consciously choose with the purpose of changing our self-image and identity. By setting extraordinary goals and immersing ourselves in new environments, we challenge our existing beliefs, push beyond personal boundaries, and facilitate the development of new skills and perspectives. These intentional events are designed to push us out of our comfort zones and help us evolve into a new way of being in the world.  Embracing intentional self-image events can be a catalyst for personal development and lead to a more empowered and fulfilling life.

Join in to explore how moments, both intentional and unexpected, shape our identities and help us evolve personally.

Talking Points:

02:58 - Understanding Self-Image Events

04:03 - Childhood and Self-Image Formation

06:09 - Conflicting Identities: Pageants and Church

07:03 - Overcoming Negative Self-Image from Bullying

08:05 - Gaining Power Through Understanding Self-Image

10:02 - Adult Unexpected Self-Image Event

12:10 - Cognitive Dissonance and Self-Imag

14:08 - Adapting Self-Image to New Realities 

17:13 - Negative Self-Image Events and Recover

19:00 - Compassion in the Face of Self-Image Challenges

20:05 - Creating Intentional Self-Image Events

27:45 - Intentional Self-Image Events for Future Growth


"Life is about all of it. And I've just come to the understanding that embracing that is the secret to true fulfillment."

"I always felt like I was sinning and I was going to go straight to hell."

"The scared little girl in me trying to protect herself from the world. But as the adult me, I've got me."

"This is too good to be true. This surely isn't going to work out. This isn't as good as it seems to be."

"There's going to be so much cognitive dissonance between your beliefs about yourself and your actions."

"When I started to look for the commonalities, it lessened the cognitive dissonance, which allowed me to entertain saying yes to this opportunity that would shape my self-image in a whole different way."

Useful Resources:

FREE Training:

FREE Download:

Sign up for the weekly Edit:


Connect with Self-Image Coach, Tonya Leigh:




