Embracing 'No': The Key to Living a Life Aligned with Your Values

Saying no is a powerful tool for setting boundaries and taking back control of your life. In the podcast episode, Master Self-Image Coach Tonya Leigh emphasizes the importance of establishing boundaries to prioritize your well-being and align with your values and goals. Here are some key points to consider when it comes to setting boundaries through saying no:

Prioritizing Your Well-being: By saying no to commitments or requests that do not serve you, you are prioritizing your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Empowering Yourself: Saying no is a way of empowering yourself and demonstrating self-respect. 

Taking Control of Your Life: Without boundaries, you may feel like you are being run over by the demands and expectations of others. 

Living in Alignment: Setting boundaries through saying no allows you to live in alignment with your decisions, goals, and values. 

Building Self-Image: Saying no can positively impact your self-image and self-esteem. 

Saying no is not just about declining requests; it is a powerful act of self-care and self-empowerment. By setting boundaries through saying no, you can take control of your life, prioritize your well-being, and live in alignment with your values and goals.

Join Tonya as she delves into the power of saying no, inspired by quotes from Steve Jobs and Paulo Coelho, and explores the importance of listening to our gut feelings and setting boundaries by saying no when necessary to avoid feeling overwhelmed or drained.



Episode Details:

00:01:25 - Embracing Joyful Yeses
00:01:57 - Mastering the Art of Saying No
00:03:11 - Free Guide to Saying No
00:04:14 - Societal Pressures and FOMO
00:05:08 - The Consequences of Yes
00:06:33 - The Jar Metaphor
00:08:10 - Identity and Priorities
00:12:36 - The Upside of Saying No
00:15:16 - The Clarity of Prioritizing Yes
00:18:30 - Elegance and Quality Over Quantity
00:23:53 - The Pleasure of Saying No
00:25:28 - The Invitation to Say No



"Innovation is saying no to a thousand things."

"No is my new favorite word."

"When you say yes to everything, you live someone else's life."

"I prioritize my wellbeing to demonstrate that I am worthy and I am confident in who I am."

"The power of no lies in saying no to the junk, to the low quality."

"I lived a large part of my life lying to everybody. Not on purpose, but to me, when you say yes to something that you don't really want to do, it's like you're lying."

"The power of no after years of being afraid of it, I can tell you it's one of the best two-letter words in my vocabulary."

Useful Resources:

The Guide to Saying No:  https://schoolofselfimage.com/power

Join the membership now: https://schoolofselfimage.com/join

FREE training: https://schoolofselfimage.com/powerfully-ever-after/

FREE download: https://schoolofselfimage.com/self-image-manifesto/

Sign up for the weekly Edit: http://schoolofselfimage.com/edit

Connect with Master Self-Image Coach, Tonya Leigh:

Website:  https://schoolofselfimage.com

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/tonyaleigh

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TonyaLeighOfficial

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thetonyaleigh