Next Episode: 325: ROI Of Style


"Dress to Attract: Using Style to Influence Your Life Trajectory"




In this episode of the School of Self Image, host Tonya Lee reports good news for those who have been following her moving drama. Her things arrived and she is grateful. She shares how her mind can work in funny ways, as she was worried she was scammed after reading forums about people who had been scammed by movers. She encourages her community to focus on what they want and not take on other people's stories to avoid being a mess. In the end, her things arrived, in their completeness.


Tonya Leigg recently took on a six-month no shopping challenge and it was inspired by her realization that often when people make more money, they spin out of control and fill their lives with more and more things. She found that what people are really after is a feeling and that buying things does not necessarily create those feelings. She created a Style Experience program to help women get clear on what they want and how they want to show up in the world. In the program, they will engage in virtual style days, coaching calls, and the Style Lounge where the speaker will provide feedback and inspiration.

Tonya discusses the importance of clothing and the effect that it can have on how one views themselves and how others see them. Everything is energy, and one's clothes are no different. According to the Law of Attraction, people will be attracted to those with similar dress styles. The speaker used to dress in scrubs and sweatpants to hide her body, but she changed when she discovered the Style Experience, which is a luxurious experience that helps people discover their unique style and how to express it. 


What we cover in the episode: 


0:00:00   Exploring the Power of Self-Image and Style


0:02:45   Reflection on Moving Day: A Conversation with Fonz and My Mom


0:04:15   The Role of Shopping and Clothes in Our Lives


0:09:28   The Impact of Your Clothes on Your Energy and Attraction


0:11:53   Dressing on Purpose: How Clothing Can Impact Your Mental and Emotional Processes"


0:18:11   The Power of Professional Style: How Dressing for Success Can Impact Your Life


0:19:58   Attracting People and Opportunities Through Your Style




I was recently on a podcast with my friend Stacey Bayman. She has a great podcast called Make Money as a Life Coach, and she brought me on to talk about the effective style in our lives. And she was sharing about when she needs to write copy for a sales page or for her programs. She will get dressed up to the nines, because the energy that she feels can be felt, in her words, because everything's energy, you all it's all connected.


There's a term called enclosed cognition, and basically it's a psychological phenomenon that looks at the effects of clothing on your mental and emotional processes. And they've done studies, one being that they put students in a lab coat and compared their grades with students who weren't in a lab coat. And the students in the lab coat scored higher on the test. And it's because the association of a lab coat symbolizes intelligence, power, confidence, and how that impacts how you think.


And the same goes for clothes. Your clothes have an energy that impacts how you see yourself. And so on one level, those clothes are calling forth an action from you. And at the same time, it's attracting opportunities and people that are attracted to that energy. So at the end of the day, the clothes impact your energy. They impact how you see yourself, but also it's impacting how other people see you.


So come and join us at the Style Experience. You can go to and check out all of the details. So today I have a question for you. What are your clothes attracting? And I want you to sit with that question for a moment and really think about it. Because everything is energy. Everything is attracting certain things to it. It's why certain people gather in certain places. There is an energy there that calls like energy towards it.


We're going to be having virtual style days along with coaching calls. We're going to have the Style Lounge, where I'm giving feedback around style and sharing stylish inspiration. And so if you have not checked this out, it's going to be a very high end, luxurious experience where you are going to elevate how you show up in the world. And you are going to discover your unique style and how to express that, not only in how you dress, but in how you carry yourself and what you choose.


Useful Resources:

FREE Download: Self-Image Manifesto

Style Experience:

Connect with Self-Image Coach Tonya Leigh:




