Schizophrenia Awareness with Bill MacPhee


Who is Bill MacPhee?

Have you ever wondered what goes on in the mind of someone who is completely disconnected from reality? Is it really possible to live a “normal” life after being diagnosed with a mental illness?
Bill MacPhee was diagnosed with Schizophrenia in 1987. He was just 19 when he started a pretty lucrative career as a commercial deep sea diver in Singapore. He was living his dream. Five years later, he was living a nightmare: Pacing a psychiatric ward, trapped in a world of illusions, delusions, paranoia and depression. He was convinced his life was over and even tried to make sure of it with a fistful of sleeping pills. But it’s what ultimately led him to build himself back up into a happier, more resilient person now.
He is the author of the book “To Cry A Dry Tear”. He is retired CEO of Magpie Media, which published SZ Magazine, the award-winning magazine which encouraged people affected by mental illness. Bill has traveled across north America  to bring hope by sharing his struggles and triumphs with illness so that people living with living mental illness can see for themselves that living a full, rewarding, happy life was still possible after a diagnosis.


Check out Bill’s book, website, and YouTube channel.
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Special thanks to my producer Jonathan Raz on Fiverr

Episode image is a book cover for To Cry a Dry Tear by Bill MacPhee

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