Stroke Survivor and Neuroplasticity with Bill Monroe led by host Carden Wyckoff


Who is Bill Monroe?

Bill Monroe is a gen-x podcaster, corporate trainer, occasional voiceover artists in stroke survivor living in Seattle, Washington, bill grew up in New York, graduated from Helena Montana's Carol college, go talking saints and spent time in Boise, Idaho before life took them to the Pacific Northwest on June 3rd, 2017.
Bill broke his Basal ganglia when he woke up with a stroke, that was the last time he had full use of his left side lens. When Bill got out of the hospital, he continued at home rehab and started on his mission to educate people about stroke, help other survivors share their stories and chip away at the silos that divide medical professionals, caregivers and patients, Bill launched the Strokecast podcast on February, 2018 because it was this show he wished he had when he was in the hospital eating yet another bowl of lentil soup today.
Bill works at Microsoft as a trainer, helping journalists use Microsoft products more effectively as they do their jobs in between meetings Bill writes for the Microsoft news blog.
In addition to the Strokecast, Bill also hosts the two minute talk tips podcast where he helps folks become more effective public speakers in as little as two minutes a week, he also runs the Seattle young adult stroke survivors support group.
He lives in the Ballard neighborhood with his wonderful girlfriend, Kathy, his medical records describe him as quote pleasant.


Check out Bill’s Strokecast podcast, website, Twitter @CurrentlyBill
Follow Carden on Instagram @cardenofmilk
Find Carden everywhere 

Special thanks to my producer Jonathan Raz on Fiverr

Episode image is a red background and a white brain with the word Strokecast

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