September is National Suicide Prevention Month and Freed Up is raising awareness about suicide and suicide prevention. Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for people ages 10-34 years old (National Alliance on Mental Health).   Together, we can combat this challenging mental health issue and reduce the stigma surrounding it by dispelling the myths and learning the facts as well as becoming armed with prevention strategies to help those those who are in severe emotional distress.  Tune in to to learn more. 

If you have any questions or need prayer or specific support, please reach out to us at: [email protected]. If you or someone you know is in immediate suicidal crisis, please reach out to the National Suicide Hotline at: 1-800-273-TALK or text 741741 for assistance. 

These website will offer you additional information on this subject matter, should you desire to learn more:

As always, do not walk this path alone. I am walking right alongside you, as well as the rest of the Freed Up family. God loves you. I love you. And make sure you take care of YOU!

God's Best,
Tina L. Robertson, LCSW-S
Freed Up podcast host