Next Episode: 041: YAGNI

In this mini episode, we talk with the lovely Kelly Shushter about Internal Library Dependency Management. Kelly is a GDE, the Director of Women Who Code (Denver chapter), a developer at Thoughtbot, a mind blowingly good AndroidDev and just an all round boss of everything.

She gives us the rundown explaining different strategies for maintaining and managing internal libraries in your organization/company.

Show Notes

Women Who Code []
Droidcon SF 2015 - Android Internal Library Dependency Management []
Fixing a bug later is costly? []


Git submodules []
Repo by Google []
Artifactory - Jfrog []
Jitpack []
Kelly's hack to toggle between maven lib dependency and local source []

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@kellyshuster []
@fragmentedcast []
@donnfelker []
@kaushikgopal []

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