In this episode we chat with our friend an all round amazing AndroidDev Elliott Chenger. Elliot does Android development for Under Armour and knows a thing or two about TextViews. We talk TextViews, font rendering complications in Android, performance optimizations, localization (vs internationalization), ECDC (it's a thing!) and wind the discussion off with some design software tools out there.

Show Notes

Under Armour : Health box []
Droidcon NYC 2015 - TextView how to turn design into reality for multiple languages []
Android’s Font Renderer : Efficient text rendering with OpenGL ES Romain Guy []
DÖnn Fëlker
TextView packages : Slide from Elliott's talk []
Static Layout []
Boring Layout []


Traceview in Android Studio []
Profile GPU rendering
Static Layout : for text that will not be edited after it is laid out
Dynamic Layout : text layout that updates itself as the text is edited
Improving comment rendering on Android []
Sample implementation of technique Instagram describes []
Simple trick explaining TextView wrap_content vs fixed height
Energy glitches with Apple music app
Google Localization Checklist []

Design tools

Red Pen
Sketch 3 For Android Developers (Big Android BBQ 2015) []
Sketch app


The Nerdery []


@Echenger []
@fragmentedcast []
@donnfelker []
@kaushikgopal []

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