The Grown-Ass Woman’s Guide will be back in January with all new episodes! Until then, enjoy this “Best of” episode created just for you.  Have a very happy holiday season and I’ll talk with you in January!

As we kick off the new year, millions of people are talking resolutions; making major shifts and changes in their lives. For me, I’m not a big fan of resolutions. We’ve seen it before and all know what happens five days, maybe a week later. Most people just give up. Instead, I am a big believer that what comes with a new year is a fresh opportunity to invigorate our lives, maybe set some goals; and there’s no better place to start than at home. 

Carrie Leskowitz is a certified life coach and award-winning interior designer with over 20 years experience transforming both spaces and lives. In this episode of The Grown-Ass Woman’s Guide, Carrie shares tips to help create a more aligned space —  simply and inexpensively; and she shares what not to do if you want more love, peace and abundance in your life. 

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