Welcome to Thrive in 40, a quick tip to kick start your week — in forty seconds or less.   This week’s tip is provided by… Psychotherapist Melody Murray Parks.   Sometimes we take on things that have nothing to do with us. I do this thing called X it out. You make a list of all the things that are on your mind, everything that’s causing any kind of feeling or emotion, just write it down: My kid has autism, I could get fired, my husbands overweight, I can’t pay the rent, all that stuff that's in your mind, write it all down. Put a big X over the shit you have zero control over. You can’t do something, and then put your energy into things that you can do.   For more from Melody, visit ParksTherapy.com and for more inspiration from women over 40, join our free Forty Thrive FB group at FortyThrive.com/Group

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