Lindsey Mead is a woman, a daughter, a mother, a sister, a wife, a friend, and a writer. She is also a runner, a sometime yogi, and a disillusioned MBA. She has a blog called “A Design So Vast” where she tries to find a coherent sense of self in all of these splintered identities. More recently, she is the editor of the book “On Being 40ish,” which came out earlier this year. It is a compilation of personal stories about midlife by some of the very best writers. If you haven’t checked it out yet, you will want to get your hands on a copy. Lindsey and I talk about how her childhood formed the life she’s made for herself, her friendships, and how she feels about time. Please head over to to say hello and share your thoughts. I would be grateful if you would rate or review the show – thanks for your support!