In this episode, we interview Ken Chee, co-founder of 8I Holdings Limited.

Having failed twice in his earlier attempts of business, he started a branding and marketing company, JM_Asia Pte Ltd with just $9 in 2003. Within 18 months the company achieved $1.4M in revenue despite a recession.

With minimal initial start-up capital in 2008, the company 8I grew and publicly-listed as 8I Holdings Limited (ASX: 8IH) in 2014.

Today, 8IH and its subsidiaries (of which two are public listed companies) is a leading investment holdings company that empowers personal and financial growth, and enriches the lives of countless people.

As an entrepreneur, value investor and speaker, he believes in paying it forward, having touched the lives of over 100,000 individuals through educational programs, mass media, publications, engagements and at the annual Value Investing Summit - the region's largest conference for value investing.

His dream is to serve humanity with integrity, to empower growth and to inspire 100 million lives.

FWEP00018 Life is not about playing small & be a leader of influence With Ken Chee Executive Chairman & CEO at 8I Holdings Limited 

In this episode, we’re gonna meet our very special guest. The co-founder of 8I Holdings Ltd, a company whose primary business is conducting investing training. The company also manages a fund called the Hidden Champions Fund. He is currently the chairman and CEO of 8I Holdings. His dream is to serve humanity and to inspire 100 million lives.  

Motivating team for a visionA motivated team is a productive team. Motivation allows everyone to explore their full potential to do more and go out of their comfort zone. (4:00) We don’t motivate our team, in fact, there’s no motivation needed, we don’t do any motivation courses or brainwash them I think one of the important things is we actually look at selecting the right people and coming on board with the right online value and passion. 
 (4:20) We always make sure that we attract the right people   Managing Family and Business Despite his success, he maintains a balanced family life.  (5:06) I think the most valuable thing is the team. (5:07)  I think no man is an island  (5:13) Charisma to me is actually able to positively influence and to attract a group of people. 
 (5:25) I think every leader should have a charismatic element in them to attract their followers.
 Be genuine Don’t fix a goal to please everyone, you can’t do that. You can’t please everyone. No matter how good the things we’ve done there’s still a lot of people who can’t value and appreciate our worth.  (5:37) When I first started, I aimed for everybody to like me.(6:00) I realized no matter what I do and what I say they’re bound to have certain criticisms also positive feedback and negative feedback. So I really removed that judgment of wanting the acceptance of others. 

Who is our First relationship? When we think of relationship it composes of family, friends, workmates and the people that surround us. But the question is who is our first relationship? Ken shared his thoughts about this. (6:26)The most important thing I realized is the first relationship I have is not with others but the first relationship I have in my life is with myself. I realized the first person I should accept is myself and I do not seek the approval of others. 

Focus on what the good that you can doDoing something that is beyond our limits is quite challenging. Sometimes we tend to have a hard time in looking for what we really love and what we are passionate about. But this is essential if we are to be satisfied with our success.(6:54)Be authentic, be yourself, be compassionate, be always kind actually think of adding value to others
 (7:01) And once you have that intention in place don’t worry about other things. And what other people doubt about your motives because action speaks louder. 

Key Takeaways: 
Attract the right people.
Practice work-life balance.
Don’t pretend to be someone you are not.
Always have the best intentions for others.
Do not live for other people’s approval.

Key Resources :Visit Ken’s Website on: Ken on Twitter: Ken Chee (@kenchee8)
Instagram: Ken Chee (@ken_chee_)Facebook:
Check Ken's Linkedin: