How is it possible that this someone who wishes for a job
1) Flexible hours
2) Near Home
3) Travel the world 🌍 to meet different people
4) Have all the FREEDOM to do what she 💖
And ACTUALLY got her dream job via a small tiny newspaper advert 15 years ago?

Jacy Wee such an honor to have an endearing conversation on self-love, self sabotages and building win-win relationships for women by women.

Jacy Wee: Executive Director of Globe Success Money and You Team

Today, we have a very special guest Jacy Wee. She is the Executive Director of Globe Success Learning, Money and You team Malaysia. In this episode, we will be talking about self-love, self sabotages, and building win-win relationships for women by women.

Turning point
Sometimes what we envision will change as we come face to face with reality. Sometimes our passion is not enough to keep going because we are not where we’re supposed to be. This feeling can be a great way to evaluate your life’s course. Here’s what Jacy has to say: 

As we go along with our journey, puzzling pieces to fix what we want to do and where we want to go. Sometimes we can experience hard times fixing what we really like to do especially if we are in a financial crisis. Here’s what Jacy shared about her journey.

(2:12-33)My journey really started to reflect when I was in my last year in university my education background is environmental engineering and I chose that profession because it was between two: environmental science or environmental engineering. Engineering would bring me a lot more money. That was clear, my path was very clear.

(2:58- 3: 31) So I choose to work for 2 years in the engineering line and after 2 years I knew for sure it’s not for me. That was when I was in a very lost phase of my life. I felt very discouraged because the line I wanted to do is something about mother earth to take care of mother earth and that would be my responsibility and my passion. But when I got into that line I found that the industry was out of integrity and I could literally lose my life if I was not compliant.  

(3:54-4:12)So I felt very drained I felt my spirit was empty and I actually wanted to shave my head bald and become a nun. Because I had a senior who became a monk and he looked like a very happy monk I thought if I do that and just go down that route I would be happy. 

Dreams do come true
When our reality and where we want to be are very different, we tend to feel lost, but if we get up and decide to try again, fate can bring us to the place where we are really meant to be. Here’s Jacy’s account when her dream became a reality: 

(4:15-54)But when I had a conversation with him he asked me this question “Jacy, are you doing this because you feel like you have a calling and there’s something you want to do for the rest of your life or you are escaping?” So the answer was very clear. I wanted to escape. He says “Go back. Go and explore, Go and live your life this is not for you” so there I was again floating not knowing what to do. And I did something a lot of my peers and family taught was crazy I took up a night course in private secretary. So, from an engineer to a private secretary people thought I was nuts. 

(5:13-33)And I dreamt about my dream job and that would be there are no office politics, I could have opportunities to learning go and travel the world it was close to my home, I have flexible hours and I would enjoy what I’m doing. Then I just left it and said “oh that’s a nice dream to have if I ever find it” 

(5:34-39)A few months later I actually found it and that was really by chance. I was applying again for jobs in the engineering industry because that was what I deal. But then I saw this one ad that said exactly what I wanted. No office politics, opportunities to train and to learn and grow but I didn’t know where it was. There’s only an email for me to send my resume too. When I got the reply, I found out it was just 10 minutes from my home. I was so happy but when I went there for the interview, all I saw was Globe Engineering and I thought why am I going back to engineering? Never mind I’m here I just take the chance and I found out that I was actually going into the education line. 

(6:26-41)So my life started to change because I started to really ask for what I want. And I feel that is very important because most of my life I felt I was living someone else's dream of success but not my own. And that was why I felt very very lost. 

(6:43-47)I could take the safe route or I could take the route that was very unknown to me. 


The path to your dream is not always smooth

(7:07-29)Well because Globe Engineering is our main business and Globe Success Learning is our passion business than in education. So they were looking to hire people to run that business and we were very new as a business we did not know it all several of us because our core and our specialty are in engineering. And I went into that business knowing absolutely nothing. 

Like any other woman, the unknown made Jacy insecure and made her think about her decision.

(7:36-8:08)I definitely felt insecure in fact I had another job offer that was offering me twice what I was gonna get from this job. But my whole body was so illogical the logical thing to do was to choose a job with better pay and a bright future. The illogical thing was to go into something I had no experience,  no training and giving me half the pay. But everything in my body just says you should give this a try. And I did. 

Stepping out the box

Knowing nothing is not an excuse to quit on your dream. You just have to be determined, because determination will help you move forward. This is how Jacy faced being a part of Globe Success:

(8:32-33)It has been 15 years since I’ve been part of this team. 

Jacy shared also the lives that they had impacted through their business.

(9:42-54)It was a huge struggle for me to really get out of my comfort zone but I’m someone when I have a goal and wanted to achieve no matter what I’m gonna achieve it. Even though I’m gonna struggle I’m gonna kick and scream all the way. 

(10;20-29)Actually when I joined global success and I was exposed to the money and Community that was the biggest support for me. I learned that I wasn’t alone. 

(10:50-11:05)But I was very blessed because when I came to this community I had a lot of support and one of the earliest support was from Dame Wendy Tan who is CEO of the Globe Engineering Company and also Terence Tan and we’ve been business partners since then. 

(11:07-28)The one thing that he said to me before I attended Money and You was “Jacy, you deserve so much more in life but you’re not getting it why?” That really hit me. I thought that I had reached a certain level of success but when he said that it landed. 

Building your life

Jacy felt that there was something wrong with her. That’s the time she began to fix her...

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