86: Sandra Bravo Manifest Your Dreams, Do Good and Be Amazing With Your Mindset

FWEP00086 Sandra Bravo Manifest Your Dreams, Do Good and Be Amazing With Your Mindset

Welcome to this amazing morning interview that we are going to do with this very super amazing lady whom I’ve met and she was a host of this virtual event that we did together, it was a success. I just felt that her energy was super amazing because when I researched about her, and I read about her, this lady is doing super amazing a lot of work.

Sandra Bravo has wealth experience including a decade managing sales teams. Fifteen years in corporate entrepreneurship and has more than 9 years speaking at international events. She is a certified master practitioner at NLP speakers training, best selling author and international keynote speaker. As a single mother of two and owner of three businesses, Sandra believes deeply in a power of female empowerment.

She has spoken in over 13 countries and trained over 15,000 students. Sandra brings a wealth of knowledge and passion for her practice. She has this very pure determination, will and super self-motivated because establishing her own business got amazing. To support like minor women, Sandra channels energy into transforming female businesses and supporting their personal enrichment through public speaking.

The Power

(4:52-5:12) And I know what I’m gonna do when I’m full of purpose. And I believe that empowering and serving others really feeds the soul. And I'm fulfilled, I'm full when I'm doing what I love. You know when you’re doing something you don’t like or you’re in a job that you despise, or anything like that, everything becomes a drag.

(5:21-5:28) and that’s a really good sign that you’re not doing what you’re supposed to be doing. That you’re not living into your life purpose.

(5:37) Life is different. You’re excited to do things. You’re excited to take care of your health, and your relationships, and your family and to help others because you’re inline with your purpose. And that’s I guess where the energy and the passion comes from. 

(9:17-9:28) and it was until I got up on stage and I had the courage to finally make a public declaration saying, “This is what I wanna do. I wanna be a speaker.”. And it’s amazing, Genecia.

(10:30-10:42) This is what I wanted and it was my chance to make it happen. So the big day came when I got to present in front of Harv and all of his trainers. You know, he was very impressed.

(10:47-10:56) and out of the 67 people they chose one person to start an assistant training for Harv. And that one person was me. It was life changing.

(12:00-12:21) And I wouldn't get out of bed until I got that split second of certainty of, “I got this. I can do this.”. Because for me Genecia, I think visualizing and taking action go hand in hand. You can visualize all day long but if you don't take action it’s not gonna fall out of the sky. And you can take action all day long, which I see soft in these days with entrepreneurs,

(12:27-12:32) they don't take the time to work on their mindset. They don't take their time to become clear, “What is it that I want?”. 

(12:35-12:42) “Is my action today getting me closer or farther away from my goal?”, rather than just being busy all day but I don’t know what I’m accomplishing.

(12:49-12:57) Visualize. Be clear on your goals, what you want. That’s when I became clear on what I wanted to do. And then take action. So i thought what’s the fastest way for me to get there.

(13:06-13:25) I didn’t quit my job straight away. So I started to get offers for speaking at events I was doing a lot of Asia back then. And I still have my full time job. And I always say to my women, my clients that I coach, “ You never quit your main source of income until you have replaced it.”.

(13:32-13:49) A new business, a new venture, a new anything takes time to build to get the momentum. So what happens after 3 months, you’re working on the new thing but it’s not giving you that income yet and now you become all stressed because you’re not making “ends-meet” because you left your main source of income.

(13:56-14:00) You never leave your main source of income until you’ve replaced it. 

(14:47-15:03) I knew it was a short term sacrifice for a long term reward. Because I thought I can quit now, which many people do when it gets difficult and I can go back to the same and nothing will change, or I can just push through these difficult times knowing the reward will come.

(15:09-15:19) And that’s what I did. I juggle a full time job and speaking for a full year. And then eventually when I was making a lot more money speaking than my job did, then I quit my job.


Investing in Personal Development

(16:12-16:35) These days I see that the number one reason why people don’t become successful is because they keep chasing the shiny bright object. And you know they got, “Oh! That person did really well doing that. I wanna try it too.”. So I was one of those and I’m guilty of that. I tried and then I realized it’s not my personality. It’s not what I love.

(16:44-16:51) And so after, I guess, eliminating everything what’s not then I realize this is my passion. And then all the dots connected.

(17:34-17:42) Do you know what ? Ever since I was a child, whenever I had a little group of friends, a little audience, I loved teaching and speaking in public. So it makes sense.

(17:56-18:06) And that’s when I went, “Do you know what ? I'm not  going into trying it anymore to see if it works. I’m going all out.”. And that’s when I eliminated all of the other distractions.

(18:20) It’s so important to make a financial commitment because then you’re putting all of you on the line, a hundred percent committed and that’s what happened for me.

(20:58-21:14) It’s a really good tool to remember what little things you accomplished in the past because that wires the thinking, the neurons in the brain to go, “Actually I am resourceful. I’m determined. When I want something, nothing is gonna get on the way.”

(21:55) As long as I can see that little next step, i’ll just take it. I’ll trust and the words will be revealed.

(22:44-23:10) And I realized, you know what, it doesn't matter what country, what cultural background you were brought up, what language you speak, I realized the common theme across the voice. This woman doesn't believe she’s good enough. And that’s the only reason why she’s being held back and not going all out. And that’s when I went, “That’s it! I’m doing women empowerment. I’ve got to protect these women and show them that they are good enough to do what they think.

(23:27-23:50) And just like a successful man has a successful woman behind, a successful woman has a group of successful women behind holding her back. Because we need each other. We’re here to uplift each other and push each other up the ladder rather than pull them back into the bucket like the crabs do,you know. So that’s when I really discovered this is what I wanna do.

Sandra talks about her Kids

(24:24_24:35) First of all for me, a big lesson was to learn the difference between a fi...