FWEP00085 Alex Mandossian How to Build A Business And Brand With Podcasting

We are looking forward to a great  interview today because we have a really really special guest. You’re gonna meet this amazing gentleman whom I've met under event at Success Resources where he was such a dynamic host and coach as well. 

He is Alex Mandossian. The founder and CEO of marketingonline.com and is best known by his little world of chief makers for teaching third world nations, first world strategies and how to prosper  in these marketing strategies. He is also the best-selling author. This guy called Harvey Mackay acknowledges him as the “Warren Buffet” of digital marketing because of his unique ability to make money for his students and his strategic partners. As a virtual trainer he has done over 22,000 hours  of training time and nearly 4,800 virtual interviews since 1995. Alex’s lifetime mission is to influence and train over 1,000,000 other chief makers how to transition and profitably by his 77th Birthday. His legacy and public service that teaches chief makers how to ethically influence others through the power of storytelling .

Started online marketing

(4:43-4:46) It was 1995, it was called BG (before google) 

(4:51-5:14) Google wasn’t even born when I was still online and back then it was dial up. And Dial-up means that you would call on a phone and it would be a busy signal. It was called “America Online” back then. There was no Google or Facebook, or Twitter or any of the Social Media that we have today. In fact, those weren't even ideas in how fast we’ve changed in over 25 years.

(5:15-5:32) I come from the television and marketing business. Infomercials, which are 30 minute commercials. And television commercials of 1 minute and 2 minute TV commercials. Mostly in the United States but also overseas.

(5:48-6:06) In 1995 I was somehow on a website, I didn’t have my own website back then and I realized, Wow! I’ve been on this website for about half an hour. It cost the website owner nothing. And I can interact with it. It was much different than it was today. E-mail was much different than it is today.

(6:26-6:42) We could do it online directly and quickly. So I took all my television marketing skills to infomercial marketing, to ultimately into the internet marketing and I became one of the godfathers of the digital world. 

(6:51-7:12) I have over 50% more women than men and I believe it’s  because of storytelling. I was the first to come to Asia as an American in 2002 to teach Digital Marketing and I continue to keep coming back. I was there during lockdown and I ended up being locked down in Australia.

(7:21-7:40) I’ve been a Success Resources for 16 years and I’m very close friends with Richard and Veronica Tan. They've  done much for the world but we went from being locked down for 1200 days. No more for now to virtual events and you (Genecia) were one of the shining stars in that approach.

(8:33-8:59) I was born as a Christian, and I grew up at a Christian church, except I’ve been more Buddhist in my way of being over the years. And I’ve been a big fan of the Eastern Tradition. And Lao Tzu said, “When the true leader’s job is done, all the people say we did it ourselves.”. In the United States we don’t study Chinese culture or Chinese history, but I did.

(9:07-9:49) What I noticed was that the Teacher and the Elderly are two groups of people. The teachers and the elderly, they are revered. They are considered to be wise and they are always observed to be important people. In the United States, the elderly, we put in All Folks Homes and Senior Living. And teachers we don’t honor the way they do in Asia. And so what i believe is that, “The greatest teacher is the one who turns his/her students into his/her teachers.”

(10:11-11:03) My greatest accomplishment is having very smart and irritating students who are smarter than I am and end up becoming more successful and becoming my teachers. They call it Shifu in the Chinese tradition, Sensei in the Japanese tradition, Maestro in the Italian tradition, they would call it a Lama in the Tibetan tradition, and Guru in the Indian Tradition, Mentor in the Greek tradition. It’s very very boring in the American they call it the “Coach”. In France  they call it Tutor, in England they call it Guide. Whatever you call it, it’s someone who plowed the ground before you. It’s someone who has wisdom and the goal is for you to find one. 

(11:06-11:12) Find a mentor because it will accelerate your path to greatness.


(11:56-12:13) If they told you stories it was very comforting. A story has beginning, a middle and an end. A story has a moral to it. So I’ll give a very quick story that I tell on stage when I want someone to buy from me. And it’s the story about becoming decisive and why it’s important to be decisive.

(13:00-13:15) With storytelling, it’s a hero's journey we’re telling. Whether it’s the movie from the Hobbits Series or Harry Potter’s Series or Star Wars, there’s a story that ensnares the attention. Captures the attention.

(13:16-13:50) Alex tells the story “The Donkey”.

 (13:51-14:07) So i tell people, don’t be that ass. Which is in the bible, by the way, they don’t call it the donkey. I say, “Be decisive”. It’s either Yes or No. There is no “maybe”. And I will tell you there’s 4 ways to play the game of life. You can refuse to play.

(14:12-14:25)You can pretend to play if you’re multitasking, I know that that’s a feminine approach to being great. No, multitasking is horrible. Monotasking works because when you multitask you make mistakes. Men, women, whatever.

(14:26-14:27) You can play not to lose.

(14:33-14:52) You cannot win a game of any kind. The game  of life or the game in business if you’re playing defense 100% of the time. So refusing to play, pretending to play, playing not to lose those are not the ways to play. Playing to win, that’s the way to play.

 (14:59-15:08) Whatever game you’re playing there’s only two outcomes you can have if you’re playing to win. Number 1, you win. Number 2, you learn.

(15:19-15:37) So those are two quick stories, analogies, and that’s storytelling. It’s story selling when you’re on stage or at a virtual event like this one. But as you tell stories they don’t doubt you, you’re not making a claim. You’re entertaining and you’re enrolling them at the same time.


(16:10-16:18) I wrote the business podcasting bible, and that was in 2005, and that was before they called it a podcast. I wrote it with a partner of mine, Paul Colligan.

(16:21-16:26) 80% of that book is no longer valid because podcasting has changed.

(16:42-17:04) I was the first to bring video online before YouTube, called Instant Video Generator. I brought audio online called Audio Generator. And the first time anyone had an opt-in page, we were the first to do that with a marketing makeover generator. We made 1.2 million US dollars in 28 minutes selling that. Now that was the first generation to many of the great platforms.

(17:14-17:28) By the w...