It's been another hugely successful meeting at Footballland. 

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Finally, the world's first water slide based on Steven Gerrard's cataclysmic fall in 2014 has been designed! 

The Steven Gerrard Slip 'N' Slide allows Footballland guests the ultimate slippy experience. You'll hear Gerrard's famous 'This does not f***ing slip' team talk, before getting the chance to do just that! Always wanted to frantically chase after Demba Ba before falling flat on your arse and sliding down a 100 metre chute? Then get down to Footballland and surf on the tears of 10,000 scousers! 

Do NOT miss out on your chance to recreate one of the most hilarious moments in Premier League history! Fun for Liverpool fans and non-Liverpool fans alike.

Also this week, Patreon patron Matt Whitworth suggests the new Burnley food stall 'Come Dine With Ben Mee.' 

And Mark proposes 'Running Commentary,' where paying punters can have their every move in our theme park narrated by a genuine match commentator! 

Remember to send us your ideas for amazing new features at Footballland - we'll include every single one!

Footballland Explained:

Anthony Richardson has accidentally been given $1 billion dollars by Qatar to build a football-themed theme park in Qatar for the 2022 World Cup. He and Mark Davison (Chief Ride Engineer) are in a race against the clock to design and commission the most exciting football theme park rides in the history of amusements.

Anthony Richardson, CEO of Footballland 

Mark Davison, Lord Sir Chief Ride Engineer

Ryan Baxter, Intern.

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