This week on the podcast, we had the pleasure of chatting again with Scott Miller. Scott serves as the Special Advisor on Thought Leadership for the FranklinCovey Company and is the host of their weekly podcast series, On Leadership with Scott Miller. Scott also hosts FranklinCovey’s monthly bookclub on Additionally, Scott is the prolific author of numerous books, writes a column for Inc. Magazine, and keynotes for clients around the world. 


Join us as Scott shares how he views his messes and turns them into successes.  We also chat about vulnerability, losing focus on your mission and purpose, the importance of thinking to determine your path, and so much more!


If you want to find out more about Scott, you can find him on his website or on Facebook or Instagram @scottmillerj1


You can also buy his books on Amazon:

Management Mess to Leadership Success

Marketing Mess to Brand Success


Y'all we are here for you! If you have no one else to talk to or just need someone to talk to about anything at all, we are a DM away. Just reach out to us at our email [email protected] or over on Instagram @thefoolsinlove


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