On the show today, we’ve got Jenny Burns, Marketing Director of Dang Foods.

If you’re not already familiar with Dang Foods, I’m sure you’ve seen their packaging and would recognize their line of toasted coconut chips on the end caps of most grocery stores around the country.

Dang Foods was the trailblazer in the coconut chip category and since their founding several years back, there have been plenty of similar products to hit the market. 

They’ve recently launched a new line of onion chips to compliment what they’re already doing, and Jenny’s experience in branding and marketing has been a big contributor to their recent success.

 In this episode with Jenny, you’ll learn:

 How to set yourself up for success with a strong merchandising strategy  What challenges come with inventing your own product category  How to scale the original vision of your brand across a growing team

 And plenty more…

 Jenny brings years of high level marketing experience to the table so you’ll have plenty of practical takeaways from this episode.