I don’t know about you but it feels like every other week, there's yet another food company being acquired by an industry beast for 10’s and even 100’s of millions of dollars. It’s encouraging for food entrepreneurs, knowing that many of these companies started with good old-fashioned, grassroots marketing. But does that type of approach even work anymore? Well today’s guest will be the first to say that, yes, it absolutely does. Hannah Kuhlberg is the Bean Queen, aka handler of many things including marketing, for a company called Better Bean Co. She’s been using some really creative, not to mention super effective, ways to leverage this new landscape of marketing and PR to grow her business, one cheeky grassroots effort at a time. On today’s episode, you’ll learn: What strategies work to drive measurable ROI with in-store demos Where to start out to build a successful brand ambassador program How to indirectly help customers find your product on the shelves And much more…