Some verses come in compact, yet explosive packages. This 3-word verse may be a good one for us to memorize. When I look at the church the way the world sees it, we seem to tolerate quite a bit of love of the world. We want our freedoms. We want our guns and we want our privacy. We have so much we want from our wealth and our resources and our government. We want our retirement and our health insurance. The list goes on and on.


Jesus adds these 3 words in a monologue about when he will return. His return will be sudden. It will come out of nowhere (Luke 17:20) when no one expects (vs. 26-29). Lot's wife looked back toward Sodom. She really wanted to stay in the city when God was destroying it. As a result, she became a salt statue.

In the middle of this story, he reminds us that if we look back or if we long for the stuff we have instead of longing for his return, and his kingdom, we may just get what we want. In everything, the kingdom of heaven is hidden. We must want it without clearly seeing it or understanding it. If we all saw it for what it was, we would have no choice. Faith is acting with incomplete facts and trusting God.

Is God challenging you to let go of something so you can experience more of him? If so, remember Lot's wife. One of the choices we have to follow Jesus will be our final opportunity.


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