What is life? And how can we keep it or preserve it? Jesus sneaks a quick comment into this discussion about his return, but this comment tells us much about life. "He who seeks to keep his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will preserve it." (Luke 17:33 NASB). He says this in another setting in John 12:25.


If we try to hang on to our own selfish ways of living and doing things, we lose. If we give it away, and he says "hate", if we hate our life, we preserve or keep it. I think of this similar to the living sacrifice in Romans 12:1. If we try to hang on to our life and maintain control of our life, we lose it. We lose the opportunities God gives us to lay up treasure in heaven. We lose the chances we get to follow Jesus. We lose the chances to trust him, make him visible and we lose the opportunities to experience his joy.


Do you live with overflowing Joy? I think if we did, more people would ask. So if your coworkers, customers, and friends aren't asking you about the radical things you do in service to others, maybe you're fooling yourself. Let's ask God to show us how to lose our life and our control of our own life so that we might keep it.


Want to pray about this with some like-minded friends? Check out the Faith at Work Prayer Network on Facebook or LinkedIn. Our next monthly prayer call is in a week, every 2nd Wednesday. You can register for that call right here.