I'm not qualified to talk about humility. As the person in the center of my world, humility frustrates me. The Bible gives me plenty of warnings about being the center of my own universe, and this passage is key.


My only view of God is Jesus. This passage is a challenge. Jesus creates this parable to make a point. If we lift ourselves up, we'll be brought down. But if we can keep ourselves secondary to others, serving others, behind others, we will eventually be lifted up. I look forward to a day when Jesus says "well done," or "good job!" I hope for that day. But based on this story, it won't happen because I'm critical of others. It won't happen if I obey the rules? It only happens when I consider others more important than myself.


This "sinner" had a more accurate understanding of his position than the Pharisee. Salvation doesn't have anything to do with us. It has everything to do with Jesus. At the end of the day, there are only two places in God's kingdom and out. We all start on the outside and there but for God, is where we would stay.


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