Truth produces strength. When you think about it, you know that trust provides some strength. When we do the right thing, we gain a confidence knowing we can trust God. I can endure more hardship knowing that it came through truth than through deception.


That's true for life, too. When we know we did the best we could, or when we know we did the right thing, the consequences are easier to endure. There is value in a clear conscience - not one that is based on ignorance, but one that is based on truth. Peter challenges us to keep a clear conscience, doing what we know to be right.


And he goes one step further, too. Our conscience gives us peace. We trust God to use our actions to convict those who slander us. Deep down inside, when we are slandered, the rightness of our actions and motives will serve to make a difference in those who slander us. This doesn't seem too true today. It seems so much of what we read everyone has evil motives and evil actions. But let's be a people who listen to God, do what he says and then trust God for the outcome.


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