Some translations show this as a new sentence. Either this is part of our patience or it isn't, but Mike wasn't sure which. But it requires humility and patience to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. The Holy Spirit empowers us to do the will of God. But this is very complex. We often think that everyone should believe and do exactly what the Holy Spirit told us to do. 


The Holy Spirit is working with God the Father and Jesus to guide us to follow Jesus. It sounds simple but in one regard, Jesus is the answer to every question. How we each are used by God to make Jesus visible, that can be different. Rather than evaluating everyone else in light of what the Holy Spirit is guiding me to do and how he is challenging me to live, this verse calls us to diligently pursue the unity of the spirit in the bond or the binding power of peace. 


Mike said he focuses on and follows Jesus and asks the Holy Spirit to guide him. And we all fall short. We practice, because we're not perfect. We practice walking in a way that reflects our invitation to be Jesus' followers. How can you follow Jesus more closely today? Can you ask the Spirit to guide you as you diligently pursue unity with other believers in the bond of peace?


And, in just over 2 weeks, we begin our next Marketplace Mission Trip. This is a 2-week exercise that will help you be more intentional in your walk with Jesus at work. Each day you'll receive an email to help you be more intentional during the day. Learn more and sign up for free at