Do you ever think of yourself as a warehouse? You probably don't. But Mike spent time in the warehousing business. When you have a 3rd party warehouse, the merchandise in the warehouse doesn't belong to you. Mike talked about how everything we are and everything we have comes from God. It's not our own. We don'w own it. Our job is to use it, not just on ourselves but on others. Today's verse is one of Mike's reminders that we're supposed to be shipping. God supplies the materials, and we ship. We're measured by shipping the right things to the right people. When we do, God gives us more, but again, not for ourselves alone, but for others. He will ask us to ship again and again. 


Is God asking you to ship something today? Who do you need to feed? What can you give away. Our job is to serve everyone and help them move one notch closer to Jesus. God will manage the inventory. Our job is to ship. Receiving is easy. Shipping, especially when there doesn't seem like much in the warehouse already, is harder. But shipping is our job. We don't see Jesus working until we're out of stock. Then the next shipment arrives. 


Let's ship today. Ask God to show you where you can feed his sheep. While this was a specific command for Peter, it also applies to us. We can find ways to serve others so they might see Jesus. This isn't a name-it-and-claim-it gospel. It is a call to ask God where we can be used and expect he to challenge us to use our time, money and experiences to make a difference in the lives of others. Try it out today.


Also, you can try it out on our next Marketplace Mission Trip. Head over to to check it out and sign up.