Today, Mike talks about being patient. He confessed that he isn't a very patient person, but patience is one key way we can make Jesus visible at work. When we're patient, we get outside the norm of what others might expect. Our world is "instant-on" related to just about everything. 


However, as patient people, we tell the world we trust something bigger. We're not lazy, or apathetic, but we show tolerance for others in love. We give others room because we want to do what's best for them. This love isn't as emotional as it is practical. Love is action. We appreciate others at work and do what's best for them even if it costs us, the same way Jesus laid down his life for us.


Today, let's allow God to test our patience and set our minds on showing tolerance for one another in love. Our coworkers may think we've been captured by aliens and replaced by a clone. Are you ready to try?


Also, we have another Marketplace Mission Trip coming up in a few weeks. Please go to to learn more and sign up.