When you appreciate someone, what do you do? Do you think about them? Buy them gifts? Send them a card or an email? 


God built it into the Jewish law that they provide for others. He told them to leave some for people to come and get. When we think of only ourselves, we don't make much for anyone else. We never have enough. Have you noticed how you feel like you never have enough? When I'm not actively giving, or being generous with my time and energy, I feel like I have less. When I make some extra and give it away, I feel like I have more.


Appreciation of others grows the same way. Appreciating others is the 2nd of our 5 daily activities that put us on-mission with Jesus. When we appreciate others, we value them more like Jesus values them. And he rewards us. Sometimes the reward comes in knowing we did the right thing. Other times, the rewards are financial, or something else. God's economy is based on generosity, not greed. Let's hold our time, attention, money and belongings with an open hand. Let's be quick to give. 


But at the same time, we need not to judge the recipients. Often, people who give can get bitter because the need never seems to go away. Jesus told us the poor would always be with us. Some things we just can't fix. Our appreciation of others doesn't fix the problems, but it can draw us closer to God. When you build giving into your life without judging others, you will see Jesus increase your ability to give and your joy integrating your faith and work.


Thank you for taking this mission trip to your own workplace. And if you didn't sign up, just listen to the next week and a half of podcast episodes and you'll get the gist of the mission trip. Serving Jesus at work is something we can all do, every day. Please let us know if we can do anything to help you integrate your faith and work so you can experience the joy of your faith every day, no matter what. Sign up for the next mission trip right now and see for yourself. Head over to MarketplaceMissionTrip.com to learn more and sign up.