Notice how God gave Job some work to do before he restored his fortunes. God instructed Job to pray for his friends and when he did, then God restored his fortunes. Prayer comes first. We must remember God. We are all capable of forgetting him and acting like we're in charge. 


So our first job as a marketplace minister is to pray. Pray we begin by telling God we're his; we belong to him, and we punch in. But right after we punch in, ask him what he would have you do in the lives of the people around you. He's working in their lives. The book of Job isn't just about Job. Job's 4 friends hung with him. The first 3 of them sat with him for 7 days in silence. (See Job 2:13.) These were good friends. And they hurt for Job.


So part of this book was about fixing their theology and ours. But also part of it is seeing how God works. Some of your coworkers may be going through some difficult times. We'll talk more about listening and asking God for wisdom next week, but for now, plan to trust God, listen to your coworkers so you can find ways to pray for them.


Also, recently, some friends and I were talking and they said they would ask the person if they could pray for them. I seldom pray out loud for someone else in the workplace, but if you feel that is what God wants you to do, then ask the person and, if they agree, pray out loud for them. Try to avoid preaching to them in your prayer. Simply ask God on their behalf. But I don't even ask. I just pray silently for people while we're talking or when they come to mind. I can pray for anyone, any time. So can you. 


Today, let's invest some time praying for our coworkers. I used to use my drive to work. However you do it, remember, God wants us praying for others and then he works. God designed it this way so we would depend on him.