Paul challenges Timothy to know the word of God. If you're like Mike, maybe you think that only applies to pastors. Since you're not "teaching" anyone, you don't need to think too much about this verse.


But if we want our faith to matter in our life, we need to reason our faith. Our faith needs to be connected TO something. Our faith must be based on knowledge. Do you read the Bible? Do you have a good enough understanding of the Bible and of Jesus to explain to someone why you follow him? Many who do not follow Jesus can tell you why they don't. Can you reason with them about why you do? How will you ever share the truth of your relationship with Jesus if you don't know the Bible? The bible and Jesus are one. Check out John 1:1-14 if you have any questions.


The reason for our knowledge is so we can trust Jesus and worship him better. But it is also so we can give a reason for the hope we have (1 Peter 3:15). Today, practice how you will answer when someone asks you, "Why are you doing this?" Do you live differently enough that someone might ask? In your prayer time, ask God to make you enough of a servant that someone would ask. Then, since you expect Jesus to answer that prayer, you might want to prepare what you would say.


Practice making this one or 2 sentences that explain that your relationship with Jesus prompted you to act. Then he will be introduced into the conversation. Go ahead and imagine that they ask "Why?" and then practice your answer to that question, too. The more prepared you are, the better off you'll be. Make sure and enlist a family member or friend to help you, too. Let your answer use first person pronouns, like "I" and "me." That way you're not telling someone else how to live. You're simply stating why you made your choices. 


Thanks for being a minister. Your preparation will matter. God will answer your prayer to be used by him. And you won't feel bad because you weren't prepared either.