Today on the Follower of One podcast, Mike Henry sits down with Greg Muehlberger. Greg is a Husband of 41 years, a dad, and a grandfather. He works for Kingdom Way Ministries, which is a “non-profit ministry that pulsates to incite and outfit business owners, CEOs, and other marketplace and ministry leaders to thrive in life, business, and ministry through transformative learning experiences.” In this episode, Mike and Greg talk about how Kingdom Way Ministries got started, how the influence of RoundTables can be seen throughout Colorado, asking God to open opportunities to share Christ, and how we can immediately integrate our faith into our lives and our workplaces. 


Outline of the Episode

0:41 – About Greg Meuhlberger 1:31 – How Kingdom Way Ministries got started 3:55 – About Kingdom Way Ministries 8:14 – How RoundTables work with Kingdom Way Ministries 9:49 – How the RoundTables help integrate people’s faith at work 16:53 – Asking God for opportunities to share Christ 18:31 – How the flesh fights against what God asks 21:06 – How you can immediately integrate your faith more into your life


Asking God for opportunities to share Christ

The only way that we can effectively share the Gospel is by asking God to open opportunities. When we ask for God to give us ways to talk about Him, not only are we allowing Him to move in our lives, but we also allow ourselves to recognize the opportunities to share our faith in the workplace. 


How the flesh fights against what God asks

Have you ever told God that what He is asking us to do feels too much like work? That is your flesh talking. The Bible talks about how when we follow what Christ says, joy gets brought out into our lives. The idea that doing what God calls us to do is work is directly from the devil, when we focus on Christ, we will have joy. 


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