Jeremiah is speaking to Baruch, one of the leading Jews of the day. Baruch is apparently sad because of what God is doing to Israel. But God challenges him through Jeremiah. "Are you seeking great things for yourself?"   When we pursue God, we receive him and we also receive great things. But when we seek things, we may get them or we may not, but we fail to get God. And that's loosing any way you look at it. God is so much more than stuff. but we never know that without faith. We'll take the stuff any time if we fail to have faith.   So how is God asking You to live your life? Is faith a key ingredient? Do you spend more time pursuing things, status, possessions, reputation, comfort? Or do we pursue God?   For further reading, check out My Utmost for His Highest on April 27, What Do You Want?.   Also, join a community of marketplace Christ-followers by going to