Just what is freedom and how free are we?   Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17 CSB   When you were young, did you ever remember not being allowed to do some things that your friends could do? Freedom is a strange concept when you think about it.   The Spirit of the Lord makes us free. But we're not free to do anything we want. We're still limited. We aren't free to violate someone else. Our freedoms should not limit someone else's freedoms without their consent. We consent to limits on our freedom all of the time in the political world.   Freedom is my reminder that I'm free to serve others. I'm free to bring grace. I'm free to love, appreciate, subordinate myself to someone else. The freedom the spirit gives us is freedom from the condemnation of God and freedom to work in faith, rather than simply in what I can see.   What does your freedom mean to you? What about your coworkers and friends? Let's use our freedom to make a difference, not by limiting others' freedom, but by granting more for others.