Where were you at the beginning? Hi, I'm Mike Henry Sr. with Follower of One. Thanks for joining me again today on the Follower of One Podcast. 

"The beginning of what?" You might ask, because we all have to ask. We've been talking about, enjoying God in Psalm 139. 

Today, I want to read verses 13 and 14

 "For you formed my inward parts. You knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well."

We've been going through Psalm 139 to just enjoy God a little. And today I want to talk about how God is the one who started us. He's the one who put us together. Before our beginning, God was involved. It's not some accident that you came about. The Psalmist states here very clearly, that God is the actor that brought you into being. He created you and he created you for a purpose and he did it in a particular way. 

And he formed you. He put you together. "For it was you who created my inward parts," it says in the Christian Standard Bible. "You knit me together in my mother's womb." We were assembled by God. I think it's interesting because often I consider other people as just an accident or just someone else, some other thing. But God was actively involved in creating every one of us.

He put us together. He knitted us together. And therefore the Psalmist praises God, and we should praise God, because we are fearfully and wonderfully made.  God still is in control.

He still is in charge. And he is the one who fearfully and wonderfully made us. His works are wonderful. And deep down inside, we know it. Our soul knows it very well. 

Today, I want to challenge us as marketplace Christians to remember that we were handcrafted by God. And as a result that doesn't exclude us from being involved in the world.

No, we were made for this world. We were made for the people who we come in contact with every day. In Acts 1:8, Jesus said we will be his witnesses. And I don't think that was a command. I believe that was a statement of fact. You were assembled by God. And if you follow Jesus, then your job is to glorify God. Its to show off what life looks like as a Christ follower in whatever occupation you have, and in whatever situation you're in . 

Today. I'm praying for you.  Thank you for being a marketplace minister and thank you for considering how your faith can make a difference in the world. Our job is to show off life following Jesus.

If there's anything that we can do to help you with that, you can contact me [email protected], or you can join our online community at https://community.followerofone.org, where you can connect with other people who are in similar occupations in similar life situations, and we can help one another glorify God in our daily life.

Thank you for being a minister and for making a difference. Celebrate God a little bit this morning, or whenever you hear this. Enjoy him and then let's get to work. Let's punch in and go to work, glorifying him. Thanks very much.