How sensitive are your eyes to the light that you see? Hi, I'm Mike Henry Sr. with Follower of One. Thanks for joining me again today on the Follower of One Podcast. We're reading through Psalm 1 39, and today I wanna read six verses. So I'm reading verses seven through 12. 

"Where can I go from your Spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence? If I ascend to heaven, You are there. If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, you are there. If I take the wings of the dawn, if I dwell in the remotest part of the sea, even there, your hand will lead me and your right hand will lay hold of me. If I say 'Surely the darkness will overwhelm me and the light around me will be night,' even the darkness is not dark to You, and the night is as bright as the day. Darkness and light are alike to You." 

We're appreciating or enjoying God in this series. That's what I wanted to study about in Psalm 139.

We get this vivid vision of God. He's everywhere. He seems to be wherever we could possibly be; in heaven, in Sheol or in Hell, "behold, You are there." If we fly, if we take wings or if we dwell in the remotest part of the sea, even there, God will lead us. His right hand can lay hold of us. It says in verse 10.

And so wherever we go, God is there. And even in the darkness, we can't hide from him. Surely the darkness will overwhelm us, but the light around us will be night, but even the darkness is not dark to God.  God is everywhere and he knows everything. Which means that the freedom that we have to do good or to do evil is known by him.

He's not surprised by what happens to us. This is a challenge and I'm sure I may say some things that push some buttons with you. Please feel free to reach out and contact me, if you disagree with what I'm saying. I'm not a theologian, but I can imagine beyond what I can understand. There is something beyond what I understand and that's where God is.

He's in that space that I can't quite understand. He seems to be everywhere. He seems to know everything. And yet my actions can create consequences that have eternal ramifications. I can choose not to trust Jesus and I will spend eternity separated from him. I can choose to take a life. I can make a mistake in the way that I drive my car or the other things that I do.

I make choices that fact shorten my own life, by the way I eat or the way I fail to exercise, which are two of my weaknesses that I've spoken of before on this podcast. The point is we have this great God who knows all of these things, still gives us the freedom to take part in what's going on, and even encourages us to turn to him, to listen to him and to do what he says.

It's just too cool. And so today I want to enjoy God a little bit. I hope this is helping you enjoy him. He is almighty and he is there. If you're in the darkness and you feel separated from him, he's there. If you're in the light, that's great. He's there. If you try to run away, he's still there. God knows what's going on in our lives and he's available to help us.

And you can reach out to me, [email protected] and I will try and help. No matter what you're facing. I believe that God has a calling on our life: to know him, to trust him, and then to do what he says. And we get great joy, when we step into those three things. And as a marketplace Christian, today, you have the opportunity to step into that calling with God and watch him work.

Let's take advantage of this God, who's greater than we can imagine, and join him as he restores all of mankind to himself. This is a great calling and a great opportunity. Thanks for being a marketplace minister. And thank you for considering how your faith can make a difference in the world. What you do because you follow Jesus matters.

Thanks very much.