Modern Christianity tends to champion Bible worship over Christ worship, and in this episode, we are joined by Keith Giles to discuss the implications of essentially replacing Christ with the Bible.

Keith is a former pastor who “left the pulpit to follow Jesus.” He is the author of notable books such as Sola Mysterium, Jesus Unbound, and Jesus Undefeated, the podcast host of  Heretic Happy Hour, Apostates Anonymous, and Second Cup with Keith, and is the Founder of the Square 1 Community. Having been self-taught, Keith has insight into what isn’t being taught in seminary school, and in our conversation, he explains the difference between education and indoctrination, as well as that between faith and certainty. He breaks down the Jesus-centric approach to scripture and what it truly means when it’s said that scripture is God-breathed. 

Tune in to hear Keith’s take on the fallibility of humans and the Christ-centric way we should approach the Bible.

Key Points From This Episode:

The implications of the Bible becoming the modern Christian’s God.The danger of indoctrination in seminary school. The difference between education and indoctrination.The undeniable mystery of God.The difference between faith and certainty.The heresy of replacing Christ with the Bible.Keith breaks down Timothy 3:16, “All Scripture is God-breathed…”The importance of considering human fallibility when approaching the Bible.The Anabaptists’ Jesus-centric approach to scripture.

Access the transcript, read the show notes, and/or ask Natalie a question here

Related Resources:

A few of Keith’s books: Sola Mysterium, Jesus Unbound, and Jesus Undefeated.Keith’s numerous podcasts: Heretic Happy Hour, Apostates Anonymous, and Second Cup with Keith.My newest book, All the Scary Little Gods, is a spiritual memoir about healing from religious trauma and toxic programming. Are you wondering what is happening inside your own painful and confusing marriage? I wrote another book just for you called Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage: A Christian Woman’s Guide to Hidden Emotional and Spiritual AbuseFlying Free is my online membership program designed for Christian women in emotionally abusive marriages. Whether you want to stay well in your marriage or leave, we want to equip and support you through this program.Flying Higher is my online membership program for divorced Christian women. Come rebuild your life after divorce with women just like you!Support the Flying Free podcast AND get in on monthly deep-dive discussions with podcast guests by joining the Flying Free Podcast Club for a $5 monthly donation HERE. (Members of Flying Free and Flying Higher can join these discussions FREE. Just reach out to me, [email protected], and we'll get you set up!) 

Keith Giles is a former pastor who left the pulpit to follow Jesus and started a church 12 years ago with his family that gave away 100% of the offering to the poor in the community. He has authored numerous books, including Sola Mysterium, Jesus Unbound, and Jesus Undefeated. He is also the co-host for the Heretic Happy Hour Podcast. (Their slogan is “Burning Questions, Not People” )