Has another year passed by of the same hurt, the same torment, and the same questions? You want to change your story but you're stuck. Have you been wondering whether Flying Free or Flying Higher is your next step? Two women share their stories of discovering these groups and the myriad ways their lives changed for the better. From learning what narcissism and emotional abuse are to what life can look like for a Christian women after divorce, Stacey and Robin tell how they've grown, healed, and found safe community through the Flying Free Sisterhood.

Don't let any more time pass without investing in your healing and your future. Your life isn't over; your story isn't over; you are not irredeemably broken. Stacey and Robin are living proof.

Access the transcript, read the show notes, and/or ask Natalie a question here 

This episode is your chance to hear:

Raw, powerful examples of how Flying Free and Flying Higher help women just like youThe specific differences between the two groups (and how they fit perfectly with the natural progression of a survivor's journey)How to get on the waiting lists so YOU can start Flying Free or Flying Higher 

If you are a Christian woman who thinks you may be in an emotionally destructive marriage, learn more at https://flyingfreenow.com

I'll send you (free!) the first chapter of my book, Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage, which has an assessment to help you figure out if your relationship is abusive or not. All you have to do is hop on my mailing list

You can also find out about our online education and support program for women of faith at https://joinflyingfree.com

And finally, if you are a divorced Christian woman who wants to take back her life and get healthy, lose weight, have amazing relationships, get things done, build a business or career, and even find a good man (if you want one) - check out Flying Higher.