‘Life and death walking hand in hand, they’re the best of friends they understand….

Alessandro shares his experiences of letting go of his fear of death and how as a result he has been able to live his life more fully

His reflections will resonate with many and bring focus to the importance of expressing gratitude for each day and appreciating being in the present

He also reads a beautiful chapter from Tao Te Ching bringing inspiration and reflection for the listener



Life and death are two sides of the same coin and walk hand in hand
If you can let go of your fear of death you can live life more fully
Life is very ephemeral and fragile and can come to an end at any time
When you let go of your fear you can feel a sense of peace
Appreciate every moment and live for the present
Wake up every day and be grateful that you are breathing, understanding it’s a new opportunity to help other people



‘In that moment I just let go of my life and was at peace’

‘I’ve survived this long and I’m truly grateful’

‘You can experience a sense of relief when you let go of the fear’



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Tao Te Ching - Chapter  22

Translation by Gua-Fu Feng and Jane English 

Yield and overcome;

Bend and be straight;

Empty and be full;

Wear out and be new;

Have little and gain;

Have much and be confused.


Therefore the wise embrace the one

And set an example for all.

Not putting on a display,

They shine forth.

Not justifying themselves,

They are distinguished.

Not boasting,

They receive recognition.

Not bragging,

They never falter.

They do not quarrel,

So on one quarrels with them.

Therefore the ancients say, “Yield and overcome.”

Is that an empty saying?

Be truly whole,

And all things will come to you.



Alessandro Ferullo

My mission is to empower and inspire others to feel de-stressed, better connected, open-hearted, and realise more of their potential with my podcast. By bringing in inspiring guests, Ancient and modern wisdom, short meditations and reflections I hope to inspire you to transform your view of life for the better.

From a young age, I was always searching for deeper meaning in life, asking questions on why we are here on this planet, what makes us feel connected and disconnected to ourselves and the world around us.

I started my healing journey 40 years ago with a degree in Therapeutic Massage and started my study of Qigong with my teacher over 35 years ago. I have attended many Buddhist retreats and visited Buddhist temples in China on a lecture tour.

I teach a Self Healing form of Qigong called Hua Gong. When we connect with the Universal Energy/Qi, this field of all possibilities, we can clear many health issues, transform negative emotions, re-balance body and mind & feel nourished on many levels. 

I work 1 to 1 online and in person, offer Corporate work, and have a Membership group with live weekly sessions. All details are on the website.



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Website -- https://flowinghealth.co.uk/
LinkedIn — http://bit.ly/linkedinAlessandro
YouTube — http://bit.ly/flowinghealth

Find Me Here: https://linktr.ee/flowinghealth

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