Highlights of This Episode:●      02:56 Passionate about promoting women’s health and well-being ●      04:05 Missing something? Secret sauce to being well●      05:05 The Life Delicious: Learning and growing every day●      05:45 Science and benefits behind brain and well-being●      07:33 Life Delicious Pillars: Mindset, sleep, connection, nutrition, and movement●      08:10 Two Types of Responses: ○      Stress: Fight or flight○      Relaxation: Rest and digest●      09:35 Basic Equation: Brain equals 2% of body weight, but consumes 25% of energy●      10:12 What physically, mentally, and spiritually fuels you?●      10:43 Balance stress and relaxation ●      11:55 Five stages of Flourish Success Path●      13:30 Don’t forget to breathe ●      14:55 How to define importance ●      16:45 Self-directed vs. experience-dependent neuroplasticity●      19:03 Power of Reflection: Change everything and be consistent●      20:25 Seven mindset shifts●      21:30 Gratitude grows positivity antenna●      22:35 Move your body to make a difference●      24:45 Chemical communication ●      25:50 Nourish to Flourish: Clean, whole foods vs. chips, wine, and chocolate●      30:15 Can’t cope with anything without sleep Links and Resources in This Episode: ●      Catherine Roscoe Barr on Twitter●      Catherine Roscoe Barr on Instagram●      Catherine Roscoe Barr on Facebook●      The Life Delicious●      Lisa Martin●      Flourish Success Path

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