Highlights of Today’s Episode:
02:22 Basics of Boosting Your Presentation Presence
03:43 Top Dogs, PR, Pitches, and Presentations
05:25 Get Your Head in the Game and Connect with Your Audience
06:31 Start with the Inside First and Follow through with Behaviors
07:22 Three Things to be Successful as a Presenter
08:05 Fear: Giving Presentations is Scary
08:49 Powerful Presentations have Purpose
09:06 Internal and External Factors
10:02 Cultivating Mindset
11:49 Purpose: What do you want your audience to feel or do?
13:06 Know Yourself and Your Audience; Use the W+W Grid
14:40 You are What You Believe
15:12 Four Core Beliefs of Powerful Presenters
Links and Resources in Today’s Episode:
5 Steps to Your Best Presentation Ever by Lisa Martin
Lisa Martin
Flourish Success Path
The Art of Leadership
Stephen R. Covey