Highlights of Today’s Episode:
02:34 What’s a theme? How’s it different from New Year’s resolutions?
03:50 Filter to focus on what fits into theme
04:22 Create a theme by answering reflection questions
04:47 What worked/didn’t work last year?
04:55 What do I desire for my leadership and life?
05:06 What will I need to let go of to achieve what I desire?
05:25 How will I foster my well-being?
05:42 Which of my strengths will I tap into to achieve what I desire?
06:05 How will I make every day count?
06:33 Summarize your answers
06:50 I want more of…
07:01 I want less of…
07:09 I will continue…
07:27 My theme is…
08:33 Create Goals
10:14 Quarterly Focus
11:50 90-Day Flourish Plan
12:45 Measure of Success
13:20 Help and Support
14:00 Next Steps
14:58 Weekly Get-Shit-Done Worksheet
Links and Resources in Today’s Episode:
Lisa Martin
Flourish Success Path