Highlights of Today’s Episode:
● 02:00 Definition of Capacity: Balancing action with rest
● 02:48 High achievers find it difficult or impossible to slow down and face burnout
● 03:26 Optimal capacity level lets you get everything done with energy to spare
● 03:46 Optimal Capacity: Ability to get stuff done without losing your mind
● 04:26 Work/life balance doesn’t truly exist; it’s an illusion
● 05:30 Most people are operating at above (burnout) or below (bored) capacity
● 07:59 Build up your capacity by following 7 elements of the Capacity Pyramid:
○ Base Level: Worthiness, psychological well being, relational vitality, physical self-care
○ Second Level: Personal growth, environmental management
○ Third Level: Self mastery
● 10:45 Where are you? Which level?
● 11:00 Foundational pieces need to be strong or your pyramid will collapse
● 11:39 Where are you the weakest? What are you focusing on? Make the biggest impact
● 13:17 Threepeats: Ditch perfection, prioritize your priorities, permission to rejuvenate

Links and Resources in Today’s Episode:● Lisa Martin
Flourish Success Path