Geremy Heath is the owner and founder of Texas All Cash Home Buyers.  


Geremy was on the podcast during the early days for episode 3 where we talked about" target="_blank">The Mindset That Guarantees Flipping Houses Success - Click Here To Listen


We talk about his Miracle Morning routine…which is incredible.  If you want to find out more check out my interview with the author, Hal Elrod:" target="_blank">Click Here To Listen to My Interview with Hal Elrod

There’s a lot that goes on in between contracting and closing on a house. Especially when it comes to the numbers. You have to make detailed estimates of the labor costs, material costs, and other specific skew costs. If you’re not precise in your estimates, then you’ll run into some funding roadblocks.

Geremy makes the suggestion of not going through with a property if the exact estimate is higher than 10% more than the original estimate. When Melissa and I were doing it before we got our team, we would know if something was off when we got to the rehab (which wasn’t too fun).


This work does need to be done regardless. And Geremy makes the point that it’s better to get it over with sooner rather than later. It’s better to know what you’re getting into before you start the closing process.


To get your invite to the new Flip Pilot closed Facebook Group, visit the http://flippilot” target="_blank">Flip Pilot Invitation Page - Click Here.

Geremy Heath is the owner and founder of Texas All Cash Home Buyers.  


Geremy was on the podcast during the early days for episode 3 where we talked about The Mindset That Guarantees Flipping Houses Success - Click Here To Listen


We talk about his Miracle Morning routine…which is incredible.  If you want to find out more check out my interview with the author, Hal Elrod: Click Here To Listen to My Interview with Hal ElrodThere’s a lot that goes on in between contracting and closing on a house. Especially when it comes to the numbers. You have to make detailed estimates of the labor costs, material costs, and other specific skew costs. If you’re not precise in your estimates, then you’ll run into some funding roadblocks. Geremy makes the suggestion of not going through with a property if the exact estimate is higher than 10% more than the original estimate. When Melissa and I were doing it before we got our team, we would know if something was off when we got to the rehab (which wasn’t too fun).


This work does need to be done regardless. And Geremy makes the point that it’s better to get it over with sooner rather than later. It’s better to know what you’re getting into before you start the closing process.


To get your invite to the new Flip Pilot closed Facebook Group, visit the