Over 6 years of developing and building a owner finance real estate investment company. Starting from scratch he has figured out the best way to create and sell real estate notes. He currently "flips” 75+ houses and notes a year and are shooting for 100. He’s been in real estate for over 15 years and have done a little bit of every kind of investing. His passion is in the creation of real estate notes because it affects the most people. You are helping the seller by buying their house.  Then the neighborhood by rehabbing it. The buyer by offering owner finance and the investor by creating a good quality real estate note. 

Erik was on episode 27 where we talked about Finding and Working with the “Right” Contractors


Erik is on track to do 100 deals this year.  Obviously, to do a 100 deals in a year, you’ve got to be good at marketing for motivated seller leads.  While Erik does do direct mail to find motivated sellers, he also uses other methods. 


Today we talk about those other methods.  We focus today’s episode on using bandit signs.  Disclaimer: Check with your local city offices to make sure it’s legal for you to put signs out.  They are illegal in a lot of places. 


He shares a great tip on getting 4x8 sheets of corrugated plastic that he cuts down into bandit signs that have odd shapes. These signs grab much more attention than printed signs.  He then writes on them with giant markers.


This is the way to go to get maximum benefit out of bandit signs.


The next thing we talk about is using newspaper ads to generate motivated seller leads.  While print newspapers are dying and don’t get the readership they used to, you can still get ads displayed in them and online as most have a website now. 


The great thing about online newspaper classifieds is that you can now have your ad show to visitors that might not even go into the classified section of the newspaper.  There are a lot of possibilities here and not a lot of competition.


We also talk about using Facebook to target the exact demographics of people investors normally buy from.  This varies greatly by area and also by investor, so it’s more up to you to determine which demographics you should target.


Facebook is just another medium to have your message displayed in front of people that might need your services.  Why not take advantage of the power of Facebook ads to generate motivated sellers leads for your real estate investing business?